Albany Prematurity Improvement Network
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Why Prematurity Matters

The rate of preterm births—babies born before 37 weeks—is a critical measure of how healthy our community is and what future our children will have. Prematurity can lead to physical and developmental complications and is the leading cause of infant mortality.

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Averages Hide Inequities in Birth Outcomes

Data on birth outcomes tell us how well our system works to give babies the best start in life. This information shows us the effects of the health environment—factors that include access to quality medical care, good nutrition, and exposure to experiences that can cause toxic levels of stress hormones during pregnancy. The data paints a troubling picture: our health environment begins to affect Black babies from the earliest stages of life more than other babies. In New York, preterm birth rate in Black women is 49% higher than in White women.

It doesn’t have to be this way.


Prematurity Rate in Albany County

Higher than the statewide average of 9.0%, this translates to approximately 323 babies in Albany County being born premature each year.



Prematurity Rate for Black Babies in Albany County

Black births are nearly 1.5 times more likely to be premature than White non-Hispanic births.



March of Dimes 2020 Goal

The March of Dimes is leading a national movement to help the United States reduce premature births. Learn more here.


A Historic Partnership

Coming together like never before takes courage to admit that the way we’ve been working hasn’t delivered the results we want to see. A historic partnership between Albany County Executive’s Office and March of Dimes will provide the foundation for many partners to come together in a new way.


Albany County EXecutive Office

Through the leadership of County Executive Daniel P. McCoy, Albany County has convened the network to address prematurity in Albany County.

March of Dimes

Content experts in issues of maternal and infant health, March of Dimes New York is connected to a large-scale collaborative working nationwide to reduce prematurity rates.